" U Fly Extreme"
Adrenaline Action in New Zealand

Monday, December 14, 2009

is there anybody out there?????

ok.. so it seems likely that I write this stuff just for fun, and that I may be the only one who reads it.... hmmmm or maybe OB and Martin are "out there" but all on their own!!! hi guys,, Merry Christmas.. but wait, we are not "doing" Christmas this year, we'e decided to be "grinchy".. maybe we(see photo if you don't know who "we" is!!) will strap our selves into the Pitts, fire up the Lycoming (photo of included, but thats of the "new" one still in Kansas)
and go and wave the flag over all the holidaying folks around the area. Better in the air than on a crowded beach.. of course if we manage that, it will be only the 3rd (yep, just 1 more than 2) flights in the Pitts Ali has EVER done.. probably letting a cat out of bag with that.. as some will know they get quite a briefing from her about the flight, and how it will go, and what its like.. but actually a lot of what Ali tells you before your flight is based on what she sees in the video as she performs her editing magic. .. pretty sure she has experienced about 3 rolls and possibly a loop!.. speaking of loops... watch out for a cool video of Lisa from the www.tsbookshop.co.nz going around the sky... hehehe.. we possibly will be doing a "contra" deal with her for the flight.. hmmmmmm! ok.. enough of that.. half price day at the video shop, so we are going to go home early and watch a "latest release".. oh.. and check out Youtube for some of our "recent releases" as there a quite a number.. search for Pitts Special, Abel Tasman National PArk, New Zealand.. and don't forget to give them a rating.. ta.. oh.. and Merry Christmas!!!

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